groups » Essential Elements of Ethics » Course Feedback, Questions and Queries

Please use this discussion topic to provide general feedback on the Essential Elements of Ethics course, including feedback on the content and user-friendliness of the modules and quizzes. You may also pose questions and queries to the course authors/creators. All comments are welcomed and will be addressed and answered by the most appropriate individuals involved in this project.


Ethics Training

  • bhelendell Helen Dell 17 Mar 2020

    @Kimberly Compton

    Thank you for your interest in this course. We don’t set an expiry date on our courses. As the Training Centre is a self-directed programme, it is up to the learner to decide whether they need to review the material again. Also, if the certificate is required for a particular job/position in a research trial, then we think it is up to the employer/clinical trial sponsors to determine what their requirements are.
    Kind regards,
    Helen Dell
    Training Coordinator, The Global Health Network

  • kimberycompton Kimberly Compton 16 Mar 2020

    I do not see an expiration date on my certificate. How long is the certification, before I have to retake the training?

  • mollieoconnell89 Mollie Ehrlich 13 Mar 2020

    Quiz two is nearly impossible. Some of the answers aren't there.

  • gsegutunga gsegutunga 6 Mar 2020

    The course was okay in my view
    how to get my certificate

  • gsegutunga gsegutunga 6 Mar 2020

    The course was okay in my view

  • antonelaf1306 Antonia Flores Romero 28 Jan 2020

    buenas noches como puedo descargar el certificado, ya termine todos los cursos.

  • liamboggs Liam Boggs 21 Feb 2019

    Hello Sharie,

    Thank you for your comments and I hope you found the course content useful despite finding the structure not very user friendly. We appreciate all feedback for our online training courses and we are actually in the process of upgrading our virtual learning environment to incorporate an improved course navigation and tracking, a user dashboard and a searchable table of courses so this will ensure that the courses are much more user friendly in future.

    We will inform our entire user-base when this update is taking place so once incorporated I hope it ensure you have a much better user experience of our courses.

    Many thanks and best wishes,

    Liam Boggs
    Training Manager
    The Global Health Network

  • sadams Sharie Adams 5 Jan 2019

    The course is not user-friendly and makes monitoring overall progress and quiz grades impossible to do.

  • hello evebody, i am very happy for the course. it has help me to understand more issues about ethics; a notion in research that i realy like.

  • saedgiif Said Mohamed Osman 19 May 2016

    I wish you all the best, please is there tropical disease topic

  • caldinger Carmen Aldinger 10 May 2016

    Thank you for your helpful feedback, Pole.

  • polesanam polesanam 5 May 2016

    Although some topics were covered during my GCP course, I now understand them better.

  • polesanam polesanam 5 May 2016

    This course has really helped me to understand more issues on research.

    It is very useful and I recommend people doing research to go through it.


  • Susan Susan 3 Mar 2016

    Dear Edgar, we're very pleased to hear that you found this course useful.

  • emaphalala Edgar Maphalala 6 Jan 2016

    Hi everyone

    This course really made me a better person ever and broadened my knowledge regarding research ethics.Thank you.

  • josephmutalejm josephmutalejm 16 Sep 2015

    Alright thanks

  • caldinger Carmen Aldinger 16 Sep 2015

    Hi Joseph,
    Question 1 asks what should be considered in regard to offering payment to healthy participants in a study in a developing country. (This would likely refer to a Phase 1 study that includes participants that do not have a disease for which the study may provide treatment, but who may take a risk in testing different levels of doses of a new drug.) Of the five answer choices, you can check all that you think are correct. After you go through this module, you should have the information to answer these questions.

  • josephmutalejm josephmutalejm 16 Sep 2015

    Under quiz #10 I don't understand what it is that is been asked of me in question #1 I was hoping the authors could explain a little on that

  • josephmutalejm josephmutalejm 16 Sep 2015

    Hi everyone,
    Thank you very much for this course you put out its been helpful. Am still taking the course am not yet done but I have a query on course module #10, Essential Elements 10 ; payment for participation

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