groups » General Discussion Forum » News and general interest

Please place here any news items or new links that will be of use to others involved in ethical review of research. Thank you!


  • Susan Susan 11 Jan 2012

    We are looking at developing specialist e-learning training modules for ethics committee members and researchers seeking review. They will cover topics such as reviewing genomic research and reviewing social science research. Please give us suggestions of specialist topics you would like to see covered.

    (The current e-learning courses available on this site and elsewhere can be accessed using the resources tab above).

  • Susan Susan 11 Jan 2012

    Thanks Joseph, that's very useful.

  • josephali Joseph Ali 15 Nov 2011

    Thank you for creating this web resource. I wanted to share a recent publication that may be of interest to those who teach research ethics and/or the responsible conduct of research. The manuscript describes the methods used to create a research ethics knowledge and analytical skills assessment tool. The paper was recently published in the Journal of Medical Ethics and can be found here:

    The tool referenced in the paper is available upon request.

    Taylor HA, Kass NE, Ali J, Sisson S, Bertram A, Bhan A. “Development of a Research Ethics Knowledge and Analytical Skills Assessment Tool” J Med Ethics 2011. doi:10.1136/medethics-2011-100025.

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