groups » General Discussion Forum » Training Program in Research Ethics

The Training Program in Research Ethics began in 2000. It is being > conducted under a grant from the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States and the direction of Dr. Florencia Luna (FLACSO-Argentina) and Dr. Ruth Macklin (Albert Einstein College of Medicine of New York). It targets Latin American health care professionals and consists of a three-month training period in Buenos Aires at FLACSO Argentina (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales) Â and a five-month training period in the trainee's home institution.

The activities include the attendance at Research Ethics Committees' meetings, participation in a research ethics course especially designed for the Program and taught by a prominent international faculty, enrollment in other courses of the Diploma of Bioethics of FLACSO (in-site and distance learning), the completion of a mentored research project, and the elaboration of a plan for implementing activities in research ethics at the trainee’ home institution. The aim of the Program is to promote the development of research ethics in Latin America through the creation of a training network in the region.

Contact person:Natalia Righetti
Website (in Spanish):
Website (n English)


Ethics Program Research Training

  • Susan Susan 7 Aug 2012

    Thanks, this looks very interesting.

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