groups » General Discussion Forum » Downloadable Courses in Research Ethics

The Advanced Certificate Program in Research Ethics for Central and Eastern Europe, a NIH-funded collaboration of Union Graduate College (USA) and Vilnius University (Lithuania), is pleased to announce the public release of three downloadable graduate-level courses: International Bioethics, International Research Ethics 1, and International Research Ethics 2.

These courses were most recently offered to Fellows in the Advanced Certificate Program in 2011-12, and are designed to train clinicians, scientists, academics, lawyers, and administrators to become research ethicists, advocates for human research subjects protection, and institutional and national leaders in their home countries.

Course materials are provided in Moodle format, an open-source (free) course management system that can be used to provide online education to students globally. Anyone around the world wishing to provide bioethics education is welcome to review, adapt, use and disseminate these materials.

To download a Moodle course (or to view course descriptions, sample syllabi and online course screenshots), please visit the Advanced Certificate Program website at

Romanian-Moldovan language versions of course syllabi and the first Lithuanian-language translation of the European Textbook on Ethics in Research are also available for download on the Program's website. Additional translated versions of select course materials -- in Georgian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Russian, and Serbian and Croatian -- will also be made available for download soon.

Production and dissemination of these and future course materials is made possible by grant number R25 TW007085 from the US National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center.

For more information, please consult the Program website or contact the Program's Co-Director, Prof. Sean Philpott, via email at


  • Susan Susan 14 Sep 2012

    This looks like a wonderful resource Sean, thanks for posting it.

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