groups » General Discussion Forum » Free online resources for ethics committees

Please let us know of free resources for ethics committees that you have developed or found useful.


  • Susan Susan 16 Oct 2012

    Thank you all for this wonderful collection of resources. Our e-learning materials will be launched in November 2012 and information about others courses, including yours, is available at
    Further courses on GCP and the design of research are available on our sister site at

  • philpots Sean Philpott 9 Oct 2012

    Hi All,

    Our Fogarty International Center-funded program provides graduate-level education in research ethics to researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders in post-Communist countries in Central/Eastern Europe and Central Asia. We use a hybrid online-onsite approach centered around the Moodle open-source platform. You can learn more about our program at

    Some helpful resources on the site include syllabus and full-course downloads for our three online classes, as well as translated materials (with more to come). Click the "Course Download" button to access these resources.

  • martintolich Martin Tolich 9 Oct 2012

    Here is my website link for the THE Ethics Application Repository--and archive of ethis applications--designed to be used by vovie researchers

  • dominiquesprumont Dominique Sprumont 9 Oct 2012

    TRREE (Training and Resources in Research Ethics Education)( is a not-for-profit consortium dedicated to promoting high quality health research based on respect for the rights of human participants. TRREE was founded in 2006 by a group of interested experts with an initial grant from the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP).

    The e-learning program is targeting the training needs of Research Ethics Committees’ members, but it also provides a basic training to investigators, doctors and other healthcare professionals (and students in those fields), competent authorities, media and anyone concerned with the protection of health research participants.

    The program at present consists of four levels: Module 1 - Introduction, Module 2 - for Research Ethics Committees, Module 3 - Informed Consent, and national supplements. The latter are country-specific and provide access to the applicable legislation and regulations on research in that country. There are currently eight national supplements, six for Africa and two for Europe, and eigth more in preparation (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Portugal,Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan). The three modules are available in English, French, German and Portuguese. A version in Chinese is being drafted as well as a polish one. A fourth module on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) will be ready later this year.

    Attached files: TRREE-Vision2012_final-8.10.12.pdf
  • hsilverm Henry Silverman 8 Oct 2012

    Hi Susan: the MERETI PROGRAM (Middle East Research Ethics Training Initiative) has two online courses for those involved in health research and we are currently developing a more robust activity for REC members, please see attached screenshot and the link to these courses:

    Henry Silverman

    Attached files: online_activities.png

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