groups » General Discussion Forum » Bioethics Program , Latin American School of Social Sciences (FacultadLatinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO)

Please add this to the list of online courses in research ethics. Thank you.

Bioethics Program , Latin American School of Social Sciences (FacultadLatinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO)
Audience: International / Latin American (Argentina)
Cost: Yes (full fellowships/partial fellowships available)
Certificate: Yes
Language: Spanish / Español
This site offers two online training courses in research ethics: Introduction to Research Ethics and Problems of Research Ethics. Contents include: Cases and classic problems of research ethics. National and international ethical guidelines. Regulatory agencies .Institutional Review Board. Informed consent. Current issues in research ethics: ethical use of placebo and post-trial obligations. Problems of justice and resource distribution. Vulnerable populations. Exploitation. Research in developing countries .Research ethics in children and adolescents. Research with subjects who suffer from terminal diseases. Ethical issues related to clinical research methodology. Ethics and social research in health. Research in the field of human genetics. Research ethics with aboriginal communities. Ethical issues in psychiatric research. This site also provides postgraduate training in Bioethics: a Diploma and a Specialization in Bioethics. (Diploma Superior (four courses) y Especialización en Bioética (seven courses)).


  • Susan Susan 21 Nov 2012

    Sorry Florencia, I forgot to say this has been added to the course list now, thank you.

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