groups » General Discussion Forum » Three days Training Course on International Research Bioethics

Course Description

The Institute of Public Health in collaboration with the New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society, Lagos is holding a 3-days training course on “International Research”. The course is a prelude other courses that address specific themes on bioethics such as
Standard of care, tissue banking, genomic research.

Target Participants & Training Methodology
The course is primarily targeted at all researchers in health institutions. Members of ethics committees will benefit significantly from attending the training. Also, teachers who teach ethics in undergraduate and postgraduate medical and dental schools are equally
intended audiences. The course will consist of lectures, case studies, group discussions, and ethics document review. There shall be lots of interactive session so as to facilitate cross learning. Opportunities for networking will also be promoted.

Course Objective:
This training program will use appropriate training methods suitable for adult learning to promote its achieving its objectives. Specifically, the course would:
1. expose participants to the basics of research and patient care ethics .
2. provide participants with updates on how to address ethical dilemmas that can be encountered during research and service provision.
3. equip participants with skills to materials and tools that can be adapted for further small group sessions and trainings on bioethics.

Training Schedule & Fee:
Venue: Institute of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
Date: 25th -27th February, 2013;
Time: 9.00 am to daily.
Course Fee: N40,000 (inclusive of materials, tea breaks, and lunch).


  • Susan Susan 20 Dec 2012

    Thank you Moreniki - I will add this to our events and training sections.

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