

About: Biologist (Clinical Pathology experience), MSc and PhD in General Physiology (IBUSP). Joined Instituto Butantan-IB (1987) as Scientific Researcher. Postdoctoral (1994-2000) in University of Wales, UK, (Liverpool Institute of Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford cooperation) on Systematics, Evolution and Ecology of Latin American pitvipers, aiming snakebite prophylaxis, epidemiology and antivenom therapy improvement (British Council). Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in the Federal University of Goias, Brazil (CNPq), SSR transferability to investigate diversity, kinship and reproduction in pitvipers, improving captive breeding, snake venom production and antivenom manufacturing. Vast academic experience in personal training (Internship Program IB & University of Oxford, UK, Higher Education and Post Graduation) Supervision of about 35 undergraduates and graduates research. Accountable for Programs in Continuing Education Training for teachers of the network school system in the state of São Paulo (USP & PUCSP). Publication of 78 articles, 7 book chapters, revision and edition of 2 books, scientific notes and texts in newspapers and magazines. Approval of several scientific proposals and projects by Funding and Support Scientific Institutions. Interested in the control of neglected communicable diseases and communication in health, with fieldwork training and wide laboratorial experience, joined the Pharmacovigilance-Pharmacoepidemioloy, Clinical Safety and Risk Management Centre at IB in 2016, working on vaccine development, efficacy, safety and epidemiological studies (dengue vaccine phase II and III, pandemic avian influenza vaccine phase I, Non-inferiority of Flu vaccine, active pharmacovigilance studies and seroepidemiological survey for Covid-19), as part of a broad scientific institutions partnerships (FMUSP, IAL, FIOCRUZ, NIH, WHO, PATH, BARDA and IDRI).

Location: Instituto Butantan
Job: Academic


  • Medical Writer Coordinator at Instituto Butantan

    4 Apr 2016 -


  • Animal physiology at University of Wales, U
  • 27 Feb 1987 -

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