
Stephen Scher

About: I have been Senior Editor of the Harvard Review of Psychiatry since 2003, and I recently stepped down (at the end of 2016) as Senior Editor of the American Journal of International Law, where I had worked since 1999. With half my time newly free, I was finally able to put together a book long in the making, Rethinking Health Care Ethics, which started taking shape three decades ago, when I was teaching clinical ethics--at the bedside--in hospitals affiliated with Harvard Medical School. Between the time at Harvard and my joining the editorial staff at the American Journal, I spent several years at Yale Law School and Yale School of Management, where I taught professional ethics and organizational behavior. I am currently a dual Australian-U.S. citizen and have been living in Sydney since 2007.

Job: Academic


  • Senior Editor, Harvard Review of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School

    1 Jan 2003 -

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