Greg W. Smith
About: Dr Greg Smith has held a variety of positions relating to the regulation, manufacture and testing of both biological and pharmaceutical therapeutic goods. He has had more than 10 years experience with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the associated laboratories (TGAL) in Australia. This included roles as the Head of the TGAL Virology Unit and as a Senior GMP auditor (blood & tissue products). He has also worked in human influenza vaccine process development at CSL Ltd and more recently for Pfizer Animal Health in Australia as the leader of the Viral Vaccine Sub-Team of the Bioprocess Improvement Group. Greg has also served as the National Regulatory Affairs Manager with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service and as the Operational Compliance Manager of ANSTO Radiopharmaceuticals and Industrials. He has also undertaken a number of short-term consultancies on behalf of the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization relating to vaccine manufacture or regulation in China, Viet Nam, the Philippines and Pakistan. He has also provided consultant services in the area of GMP, validation and compliance. Greg currently holds the position of Senior Research Associate and Acting IRB Coordinator at the International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, South Korea, where he also serves as the Chairman of the Institutional Safety Committee, as a senior member of the Institutional Review Board, as Chairman of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and member of several other institutional committees and working groups.
Location: International Vaccine Institute - Seoul,Website: http://www.ivi.org/
Job: Ethics Committee/IRB member