Joel Samson RUVUGO
About: Tutor and International Online Facilitator with Peoples-uni [ ] I provide public health capacity building to health care professionals from low and medium income countries. The interventions include research, health promotion, social marketing collaborative research and networking, through public private partnership. Team leader of discussions between Peoples-uni and higher learning institutions in Tanzania, aiming at collaborating and partner in offering public health capacity building through e-learning in Tanzania. An Ambassador of the Manchester Metropolitan University [ ] and Peoples-Uni both of United Kingdom in Tanzania, where I link alumni and official visits of the university staffs. Joel is an Entrepreneur and Founder and First Director of JSR Traders; under JSR Traders I innovated Health Education Agriculture Leadership and Technology (HEAL) Programme that mainstreams interventions in the sector of health, education, agriculture, leadership and technology. I am also an Ambassador of Micro Medium Enterprise (SME) in Tanzania. JSR Traders is a member of Tanzania Graduate Farmers Association- [TGFA].
Location: TanzaniaWebsite:
Job: Academic
- Tutor at People's Open Access Education Initiative
30 Nov 2013 - 20 Jun 2016
- Public Health at Manchester Metropolitan University 27 Sep 2011 - 26 Feb 2014