Dr Sue Beath
About: Dr Sue Beath graduated from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London in 1983 and via junior appointments in Infectious Diseases and Paediatrics at St George’s Hospital joined the Liver Unit in Birmingham in 1989. The Liver Unit was already well known for liver transplantation and was the only centre in the UK at that time to undertake liver transplants in children weighing less than 10kg. The Liver Unit at Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH) started the first clinical small bowel transplantation programme in the UK in 1993 and Dr Beath was appointed as the first clinical lead for this programme in 1995-2004. Currently the BCH Liver Unit carries out on average 40 liver transplants per year mostly in children with primary liver disease and in a smaller number children who have significant co-morbidities requiring combined organ transplantation (liver and bowel transplant, or liver and kidney). Dr Beath has had a long term interest in the interplay between intestinal failure and liver dysfunction.
Location: b4 6nhJob: Investigator