Mr daniel kamau mwangi
About: i am a clinical officer working in Pumwani maternity hospital newborn unit for the last 8 years. I have a Diploma in clinical medicine and a BSc in Public Health. Currently am perusing an MPH in Epidemiology from Mount Kenya University .My main interests are in maternal and neonatal health, use of technology in promoting maternal health, mal formationsand child health. I have finished my course work and currently working on my thesis. My study topic is factors associated with preterm deliveries in Pumwani maternity hospital.
Location: pumwani maternity hospital nairobiJob: Investigator
- clinician at Pumwani maternity Hospital
20 Jan 2008 -
- Master of Public Health ( Epidemiology) at Mount Kenya University 5 Jan 2015 -
- Public health at Jomo Kenyatta university 1 Jan 2010 - 2 Jun 2019