Welcome to the discussion group about ethics and sharing individual-level research data. Please post to let us know about your experiences, questions and resources you've found or developed.

Welcome to the Resource Centre for ethics and sharing individual-level research data. This Centre brings together resources about ethical best practices for data sharing, policies and processes for data curation and data sharing, and links to repositories for data sharing. Please participate in this online community by posting links to your resources, and questions and comments in the discussion group or a blog.
Welcome to the discussion group about ethics and sharing individual-level research data. Please post to let us know about your experiences, questions and resources you've found or developed.
Clinical research helps collect a lot of data through various studies, which are then managed and used for publications or to inform public health policies.
One of the issues faced ...
The NIH would like stakeholder feedback by 10 December to inform development of a future data management and sharing policy. Read more
Visit this page for links to guidelines, reports and policies about ethical sharing of individual-level human research data
Go to pageResearch funders, regulators and researchers are increasingly calling for the sharing of individual-level data from biomedical and public health research. Despite its potential importance and the ethical arguments in favour of it, data sharing presents important ethical, social, and institutional challenges. This peer reviewed course outlines ethical aspects of sharing individual level research data and proposed best practices. It aims to be of value to those designing and reviewing individual research protocols where data sharing is anticipated, and to those developing institutional policies and processes for governing data sharing.
Upon completion of this course, you will have an understanding of what data management is and the purpose of a data management plan; factors to be considered in the design and type of a case report form; what should be taken into account when completing and data entering a case report form and closing the data set; considerations for data analysis and what is important when deciding on a data management system.
This article is part of the network’s archive of useful research information. This article is closed to new comments due to inactivity. We welcome new content which can be done ...
This article is part of the network’s archive of useful research information. This article is closed to new comments due to inactivity. We welcome new content which can be done ...