A rapid review of community engagement and informed consent processes for adaptive platform trials and alternative design trials for public health emergencies
by Alun Davies et al.Recent calls have been made for rapid and responsible sharing of research data in public health emergencies and outbreaks.
Professor Lang talks about doing difficult trials in difficult places - including malaria and ebola trials.
New guidelines help researchers undertaking systematic reviews and IPD meta-analyses to report their findings in a full and transparent manner.
Dr Nat Segaren - Medical Director of the Caris Foundation, presents on 'The Haiti National Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV Program'
Professor Peter Piot, LSHTM, talks about Ebola and implications for Africa and understanding future epidemics at the Martin School, University of Oxford, 16th October 2014.
Ebola PPE guidelines - urgent need to revise WHO and CDC guidelines. This video shows an excerpt from keynote address 'The fuss about face masks', Professor Raina MacIntyre from the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW Australia.